My social circles are divided into three, stalwart, mutually exclusive groups.

A first of chronically online Tumblr users. I've drifted in and out of several and now exist in one with next to no ties to my home country.

A second of extremely normal heterosexuals. The worst they've seen are Instagram wellness reels and Discord does not exist to them.

And now, apparently, a third of rubber-coated kinksters who want to rearrange my guts.

I feel like someone like me shouldn't have a third.







Updated 24 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(32 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsErotic, LGBT, Transgender, Yaoi


CREDITS.txt 5.6 kB
Download 181 MB

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My game won't progress past the emergency medical call and ends at the dribbles line (trying not to spoil in comments lol). Is this one of the bad endings or is my game messed up/I need to restart? Thanks!

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yeah this sounds like a bug, do you get any errors that pop up while you play? if you progress through that part again with the console open (f12) screenshot any errors that pop up there. i have an idea what might be breaking this but i'm not certain. you should hopefully just be able to restart from your last checkpoint

(2 edits) (+1)

here's a link to the console if I did it right? I didn't have any errors or issues pop up in the game, it simply stopped with that as last line/stopped responding to my clicks

edit: I was able to continue after a couple refreshes and giving it more time between clicks for that section! maybe I was not giving each line/paragraph enough time to load so it kept bugging out at that spot, not sure


yep, i've pushed a fix for this. sometimes inkrunner can be finicky when you play the same sound multiple times in a row. thanks for reporting!


every insufferable terminally online discord server should have a TF141. throughout all the bickering and half-baked discourse and crytyping, TF141 is there just keeping it real. have a TF141 in your life? thank them for their service today

so much i could say about this crazy, hilarious, anxiety inducing, relatable, epic work- but thatll have to do for now. squirting on the beat


created an account just to comment on this!
this was absolutely incredible. superb writing and storytelling, and it was just so real. i too am a chronically online fag, but not to the degree that L is (at least i dont think!) and because of that he felt like someone that I could have been in another life. The fatphobia was really interesting to read, as a chubbier person. At first it hurt me, but then I realized that was kind of the point, maybe? Fatphobia is kind of entrenched in online trans spaces with the "default look" thats promoted online for transmascs is to be skinny and white. the discord conversations were so well put together my eye started twitching and i hope to god my friend group never goes through that. i don't really have much that is meaningful to say as other commenters have said it for me, and that i'm kind of just word vomiting as i JUST finished the game, but i am floored by this. playing this as a young trans person kind of hit hard in a way, it almost gave me hope? i'm entirely pre-t but somehow this gave me reassurance that i still have time to make it out. my endless kudos and appreciation to this project and those who made it. wow!!!!! loved the bi lesbian part. i just loved this so much and i will definitely have to reread it sometime, and hopefully i can find a friend to recommend it too.


this is so fantastic on so many levels. also shoutout to the uti stress moment thats so real.


Best Narrative of 2024


made an account just to comment on this. this game literally made me feel less alone holy shit. just knowing that theres a tranny fag out there just like me who was once entrenched in a lot of infighting online discourse bullshit (i was there in 2020 whdn twitter was fighting abt bi/pan lesbians), having all these kinky degenerate fantasies, having only online friends with only a few irl friends. idkkkk god i love this game so much. i knew someone who was exactly like gestirn. i couldnt fix her and we were both actively enabling each other so seeing L cut off gestirn was just so triumphant oh god. the uti part was so funny too cuz the whole time i was panicking abt the lipstick up the coochie OMG 😭 just this entire game is so peak it literally made me feel a lot less lonely in this world

(also idk as a fat trans guy i lowkey didnt rlly vibe w the minor fatphobia but whatevs)


I'm glad the game resonated with you so well on  a personal level.

In regards to the fatphobia, this was an intentional exploration of a facet of L's character and not a reflection of my actual views on fat people. The postmortem goes deeper into this:

This was pulling on a common thread for transmascs that being skinny is an inherent trait to passing; the guide being the most obvious signpost of this [...] L is a skinny twink who benefits from societal fatphobia. That's a key part of his character and his relation to being trans. To remove that would be pretending a huge issue within online transmasculine spaces does not exist.

Why is fatphobia one that bubbles to the surface against everything else L thinks? Because it's a conversation that's starting to get louder, and one in current Tumblr contention, and the person he deems the villain in this story is fat. He refuses to confront it fully, knowing subconsciously how much this line benefits him, with it constantly staring him down with the knowing that he shouldn't think it. At the very least, he decides to be polite enough to never say it to someone's face.

It's been a point of contention with its inclusion, but I sincerely believe that you cannot have a discussion of the less-than-savoury aspects of the transmasculine experience without including it. Given who L is and the benefits he gets from not uprooting those beliefs, even if he knows they are harmful, it would be remiss for me to not bring light to it as a core part of his (and many others') experience.

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peak heartfelt and comedic masterpiece ?! wowie , i loved it, tyty ! such a good read 🩷

oh ! btw , what r the two different endings ? 🤔


This is good, and superblywritten, but read the description and be warned: a lot of it can really hit close to home. Like, with the accuracy of [your prefered old-timey god of the hunt] .  TW's be real lol


What an incredible read. So beautiful, so intense, so funny. TF141 made me laugh so much. Being older now (I'm middle aged) I empathize so much with all the young characters trying to find themselves. Not that I didn't empathize when I was younger but I can look back on the chaos now 20 years ago and it's really just unbelievably chaotic. Being young and being unable to handle the dysfunctional world around you and reacting so much. I have empathy for Gestirn, I've worked with people like that in mental health settings and they're incredibly mentally ill and in pain. It's sad. Unfortunately people like that also get rewarded for that kind of sick thinking far too often. But the pain of youth is so real, and layered on that the pain of rejection and violence and oppression experienced in particular by queer youth is so intense.

It was just really such a beautiful exploration of youth and identity. Just incredibly well written. Absolutely one of my fav games of the year. Gonna recommend it to a lotta people. Amazing job and thanks so much for writing it. Also love the new audio additions, really gives it an added layer that elevates it.


had a nightmare of a day today- overworked, underslept, tired. clicking through pages of nothing over and over. this degeneracy is me, could've been me.
fuck am i thankful for every fag like me who makes art.

What's the song in the club thats like "on youtube, on discord, on twitch"?

(1 edit)

here, it's an extended version of this that cherry graciously donated to this game


10/10 i fucking hate gestirn


omg i just made an account so i can comment on this. it was so hard for me to read the beginning (compliment) cause i remember going to the club alone, feeling like i didn't belong somewhere I took two busses to be. (just like me frfr) I am no longer in that place in my life but still, sometimes it's hard. This game reminds me that there is a community out there for me as long as i try to find it. There is a future worth finding.

+ the dialog had me laugh, the tumblr/discord feeds were SO accurate, the fucking edit of the fucking cat and guinea-pig on the cube like ive watched it abt 10 times now. The color pallet shift when i turned the fkn bathroom light on and off, genius? this experience was good for the soul, UTI included.

Like, genuinely from the bottom of my heart thank you for making this game.

(1 edit) (+3)

game of all fucking time holy SHIT
@HertzBarry's video Tweet


This was not a game. It was an alternate reality. It’s a story I have never lived, but could have easily been mine. I almost cried at several points, and ended up crying at the end. So touching. I can tell the author is a writer in the purest, rawest, realest sense. I’m a picky bastard, but in this moment I find no reason for my typical inclinations to emerge. I’ve been stealth as soon as I was able to and never looked back. This game almost makes me wish I had. Thank you for sharing a story in such a gorgeous, loving way. The details of the changing colors and backgrounds, the dialogue options that highlighted L’s people pleasing nature, the extremely realistic Discord/Tumblr/ real YouTube links… it’s a movie that breaks the fourth wall. These characters feel like collocations of real people who have long since been gone from my life. (Would not be surprised if Gestrin ended up being my ex partner XD) I have work in five hours but I had to finish this game. I see you are anonymous due to IFComp (which is how I discovered and consequently rated this game), and I eagerly await the day the reveal occurs. Maybe this is new territory for you. Or maybe you’re an established author trying out something new. Either way, thank you for a game by us, and for us <3

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This was wonderful to read, thank you. "collocations of real people" is very accurate, as almost everyone in this story is based off actual people I knew who brought me to where I am now, for better and for worse, as well as snapshots of my past self. I hope it continues to reach the people who will experience it in a similar manner.

I will also say, as someone who's unstealthed himself, if you have safe means to do so, you cannot imagine how much it helps everyone else.



dear god this was an experience

also L is just like me frfr


wait... TWO endings???


So many intensely relatable lines, and not necessarily where you'd expect? Like, I *also* hate my rare but intensely vivid dreams that I can't shake for a week. Usually when I come across such a thing I'd make it my discord status for a bit... I can only have one discord status, so abandoned the idea after the fifth or so line.

Like ★𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔤★ I'm asexual - skipped through a few fair chunks. I mention this because I still enjoyed the rest immensely. 

I could kill Gestirn, with my bare hands. Then someone should resurrect them and get them help. But the killing with bare hands bit would be cathartic af. All this to denote a resounding triumph of characterisation.

Visuals were great too! So good I didn't really notice them, except that they were always good and complimenting the experience.

Overall 10/10, of course.


started this game just wanting to try it for a couple of minutes but it got its claws in me and i finished it al in one go 

10/10 would get in to the shoe of a british trans guy again


I'm asexual but I read through this whole thing
I felt for L-- being a transguy myself, especially for the whole haircut thing!! the amount of times I cut my hair and they look at me and frown and say it would make me look like a boy is INSANE!
being on discord also, I didn't like Ges-- they just make me blehh... with the whole "they are always arguing" and "it's a terrible idea" even after L said he had so much fun!! like they did everything and had to do everything even if they didn't....
then saying everyone was transphobic >:(
I clicked on all the links and read through everything, pretty cool, I'm glad you included those
thank you for this game <3


Chef Kiss for the vibe and its aesthetic.


This was something, an AMAZING something. God, I think i'm the guy at the start of this story. I've been through half of it, the tumblr/discord friend groups. I couldn't stop until I finished the whole thing. I AM parts of all these people in my transness. Halfway through I realised I could actually click on the youtube links, thanks for all the random videos. I'm in some post-playthrough haze, again that was AMAZING; You've captured this whole experience so well. 

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This comment means the world to me.

I feel, in many ways, that almost every character in this game contains a crystalised point of my journey of being trans, as well as points I wish to find myself in the future. It may be relevant to highlight (before we wish to reveal ourselves publicly after IFComp finishes) that my age is a mid-point between L's and Valentine's.

The fact that someone else relates to this game in the same way confirms that I have done everything I set out to do, and that it's vital for this game to exist. Even if you remain the only person affected like this, we have done our job. Thank you.



very funny heartwarming relatable social horror, go bi lesbians
