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game of all fucking time holy SHIT
@HertzBarry's video Tweet


This was not a game. It was an alternate reality. It’s a story I have never lived, but could have easily been mine. I almost cried at several points, and ended up crying at the end. So touching. I can tell the author is a writer in the purest, rawest, realest sense. I’m a picky bastard, but in this moment I find no reason for my typical inclinations to emerge. I’ve been stealth as soon as I was able to and never looked back. This game almost makes me wish I had. Thank you for sharing a story in such a gorgeous, loving way. The details of the changing colors and backgrounds, the dialogue options that highlighted L’s people pleasing nature, the extremely realistic Discord/Tumblr/ real YouTube links… it’s a movie that breaks the fourth wall. These characters feel like collocations of real people who have long since been gone from my life. (Would not be surprised if Gestrin ended up being my ex partner XD) I have work in five hours but I had to finish this game. I see you are anonymous due to IFComp (which is how I discovered and consequently rated this game), and I eagerly await the day the reveal occurs. Maybe this is new territory for you. Or maybe you’re an established author trying out something new. Either way, thank you for a game by us, and for us <3

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This was wonderful to read, thank you. "collocations of real people" is very accurate, as almost everyone in this story is based off actual people I knew who brought me to where I am now, for better and for worse, as well as snapshots of my past self. I hope it continues to reach the people who will experience it in a similar manner.

I will also say, as someone who's unstealthed himself, if you have safe means to do so, you cannot imagine how much it helps everyone else.



dear god this was an experience

also L is just like me frfr


wait... TWO endings???


So many intensely relatable lines, and not necessarily where you'd expect? Like, I *also* hate my rare but intensely vivid dreams that I can't shake for a week. Usually when I come across such a thing I'd make it my discord status for a bit... I can only have one discord status, so abandoned the idea after the fifth or so line.

Like ★𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔤★ I'm asexual - skipped through a few fair chunks. I mention this because I still enjoyed the rest immensely. 

I could kill Gestirn, with my bare hands. Then someone should resurrect them and get them help. But the killing with bare hands bit would be cathartic af. All this to denote a resounding triumph of characterisation.

Visuals were great too! So good I didn't really notice them, except that they were always good and complimenting the experience.

Overall 10/10, of course.


started this game just wanting to try it for a couple of minutes but it got its claws in me and i finished it al in one go 

10/10 would get in to the shoe of a british trans guy again


I'm asexual but I read through this whole thing
I felt for L-- being a transguy myself, especially for the whole haircut thing!! the amount of times I cut my hair and they look at me and frown and say it would make me look like a boy is INSANE!
being on discord also, I didn't like Ges-- they just make me blehh... with the whole "they are always arguing" and "it's a terrible idea" even after L said he had so much fun!! like they did everything and had to do everything even if they didn't....
then saying everyone was transphobic >:(
I clicked on all the links and read through everything, pretty cool, I'm glad you included those
thank you for this game <3


Chef Kiss for the vibe and its aesthetic.


This was something, an AMAZING something. God, I think i'm the guy at the start of this story. I've been through half of it, the tumblr/discord friend groups. I couldn't stop until I finished the whole thing. I AM parts of all these people in my transness. Halfway through I realised I could actually click on the youtube links, thanks for all the random videos. I'm in some post-playthrough haze, again that was AMAZING; You've captured this whole experience so well. 

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This comment means the world to me.

I feel, in many ways, that almost every character in this game contains a crystalised point of my journey of being trans, as well as points I wish to find myself in the future. It may be relevant to highlight (before we wish to reveal ourselves publicly after IFComp finishes) that my age is a mid-point between L's and Valentine's.

The fact that someone else relates to this game in the same way confirms that I have done everything I set out to do, and that it's vital for this game to exist. Even if you remain the only person affected like this, we have done our job. Thank you.



very funny heartwarming relatable social horror, go bi lesbians
